Training Courses

On-line Training Courses at your own pace

Get the latest science and treatment with plant based solutions protocols. These educational courses will enhance your practice and lifestyle and can be taken at your own pace through the highly effective course modules. 

Download the Holistic Brain APP: All courses are housed within the Holistic Brain App.

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In App Courses


Explore the fundamentals to essential oils and the application of psychoaromatherapy. This course will guide you on how to get started in a clinical practice, hospital or home with using essential oils for the brain. This course is FREE and is included in the Brain Essentials - Complete Psychoaromatherapy Course. It includes the following three lectures:

  • Essential Oil Basics
  • Essential Oils and the Brain Basics
  • Psychoaromatherapy 


This course comprises of several lectures that address the psychoaromacology of the following mental health concerns:
  • Stress & Trauma
  • Anxiety
  • Mood
  • Focus & Attention
  • Memory & Learning


The course also includes education on the following:
  • Psychogastroenterology (Gut-Brain axis)
  • Neurocardiology (Heart-Brain axis)
  • Bonus Content: Addictions
  • Bonus Content: Concussion & TBI


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Testimonials from those who have completed the courses - 

"I found this course to be extremely valuable, practical, easy to implement, and contains information I'll use in my home and practice"

- Beth McKenzie, Tenessee

R.N., Certified Diabetes Educator,

Certified Essential Oil Coach

    "The courses are scientific and research-based. Worth the investment!"

    - Samuel Salazar, Florida

    Certified Health Coach, Essential Oil Specialist,

    Biomagnetism Practitioner



    "Provides in-depth knowledge and education- and empowers me to teach others"

    - Tanya Greaser

    B.A. in Psychology, BSW