
Mental Health & Aromatherapy book

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Dr. Danielle Daniel is a doctor of psychology and licensed clinical social worker from San Diego, California. She has been pioneering the field of mental health and aromatherapy since 2012 and published this book which is the largest compilation of literature related to mental health and aromatherapy to date.

This book is the published version of the doctoral dissertation which she defended in January 2020 and is the result of an extensive literature review on the neurobiology of PTSD, the neuroscientific findings of aromatherapy and a phenomenological qualitative research study. Through her doctoral dissertation she has created a new area of study in the mental health field called “Psychoaromacology” and the treatment application thereof called “Psychoaromatherapy”.

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Watch the 4 min video by Dr. Danielle sharing the contents of this book: